Artikel mit dem Tag "LPG"

LPG, Endermologie, anti-aging, cellulite-behandlung, anti-cellulite, cellulite-bekämpfen, faltenbehandlung, hautstraffung, haut-straffen
31. März 2017
Makellose Haut gilt als ein Zeichen von Schönheit, Jugend und Gesundheit. Der Blick in den eigenen Spiegel enttäuscht aber oft. Man entdeckt Cellulite, Falten oder erschlaffte Haut. Cellulite ist für viele Frauen nur sehr schwer zu vermeiden, weil die weibliche Haut darauf programmiert ist, nachgiebig zu sein. Schliesslich ist das überlebensnotwendig um Kinder austragen zu können. Die elastische Struktur der weiblichen Haut führt dazu, dass sich Fettpölsterchen unschön durch die...
LPG Endermolift Anti-Wrinkle Anti-Aging Facial Treatment
08. Januar 2016
Endermolift™: non-aggressive and effective anti-aging cellular stimulation LPG has developed a 100% natural, anti-aging ENDERMOLIFT technique for men and women of all ages. This technique replenishes the skin and attenuates the signs of aging, leaving your face looking radiant and rejuvenated. ENDERMOLIFT is the only technique in the world capable of stimulating the natural synthesis of hyaluronic acid (+80%)*. Endermolift™: a technique for men and women of all ages Safely and sustainably...
Lipomassage basel firm-skin anti-cellulite
08. Januar 2016
Treatments are administered with the new Ergodrive head, which is equipped with LPG's patented, independent motorised rollers. The ROLL'Up, ROLL'In and ROLL'Out action gently yet intensively conditions skin tissue to eliminate fat deposits, revitalize blood and lymphatic circulation (i.e. ROLL'Up), and reactivate lipolysis (e.g. ROLL' In action is responsible for more than 70% of the fat elimination). With the multiple rotational differentials of the ROLL modalities, Endermologie®...